The Annual General Meeting of the Rex & Burmese Cat Fanciers of South Australia Inc is to be held on Monday 28 March 2022 at 7.30pm via ZOOM.
This meeting will be held in accordance with the current constitution of the Rex & Burmese Cat Fanciers of South Australia Inc as the club is currently in Caretaker Mode.
Please note that in order to vote at the meeting, a membership application must have been lodged on the ‘Application of Membership' form and payment made prior to the meeting commencing.
Invitation to the ZOOM meeting will be sent to those people who are current members, or those who have applied for membership, by email from Judith Jordan as she has offered the use of her corporate ZOOM account.
Please contact Eva Sherriff (Acting President) at thevinespetboarding@bigpond.com or 0427519911
Rebecca Kuss (Acting Secretary) on rebecca.kuss@sa.gov.au 0434608243