Cat of the Year Scores

Cat of the Year = Best of Group

- for Best of Breed results, click here


- for a guide to End-of-Year guidelines and points for Best of Breed, Best of Group and more click here

- for Group 5 and 6 only, all sections are combined for Best Exhibit of the Year


    Group 6 Cat of the Year Scores GCCFSA


    Cat of the Year Progress 2024

    Last updated 2024-07-19 15:46:28

    Group 6Cats NameBreedOwnerPoints
    KittensTazarra Dark Side Of The MoonCompanionW. Sierp100
     Brexdale StormCompanionL. Smith60
    Neuter CatsBrexdale Sweet Peony RoseCompanionJ. Piasente91
     Vivace Blue DanubeCompanionR. Bruche74
     Oceaneyes SpudCompanionJ. Perry54
     Brexdale Rockin RobinCompanionK. Herewane20