The Clubs of GCCFSA

Meet the affiliated Clubs of Governing Council: 

Meeting dates in 2024

Adelaide Cat Club16 May, AGM 17 Oct
All British Cat SocietyAGM 17 May, 15 Jul, 16 Sep, 18 Nov, AGM 9 Dec 2024
Cat Fancier's SocietyAGM 11 Mar 2024
Central Cat ClubAGM 4 Feb 2024
Rex & Burmese Cat FanciersAGM 11 Feb, 20 Apr, 18 May, 15 Jun, 20 Jul 2024
SA Cat Breeders AssocAGM 21 Jan, 18 May, 20 Jul, 21 Sep, 23 Nov, AGM Jan 2025
Tandanya Cat Club18 Feb, 29 Mar, 10 May, 21 Jun ... AGM 29 Nov


  • President: Kim Mattock
  • Secretary: Heather Gordon
  • Phone: 0401 700 734
  • Email
  • Delegates to Council: K Mattock, H Gordon, L Andresen
  • Proxy Delegates: B Thomas, N Edwards
  • Public Officer: C Wall
  • AGM: October 2023
  • Membership application [PDF]
  • Rules [PDF] 

Formed in 2008 as a friendly and enthusiastic club for cat owners and admirers. It is an 'All Breeds' club and membership is open to anyone with a love of cats.

We hold one show each year, usually in April, and our meetings are held every two months.

The objects of the association are:

  1. To be an affiliated member of GCCFSA whose members are bound by the Rules, By Laws and Codes of Conduct as exhibitors and breeders of the same.
  2. To encourage responsible cat breeding and responsible cat ownership.
  3. To educate the public concerning cats, breeds, care, and responsible ownership and promote the benefits of cat ownership as companion animals.
  4. To educate the members and the general public about the Cat Fancy and promote an enjoyable family friendly environment for the Cat Fancy Community.
  5. To encourage a high standard of breeding in compliance with the Australian Cat Federation breed standards.
  6. To run a minimum of one annual cat show in accordance with the Rules and Codes of Conduct of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of SA.
  7. The association shall be a non-profit making association.
  • President: Allyson Ongley
  • Secretary: Fiona Hawkins
  • Phone: 0419 990 122
  • Email
  • Delegates to Council: A Ongley, F Hawkins, S Morton
  • Proxy Delegate: L Smith, D Smith, D Benson
  • Public Officer: D Smith
  • AGM: May 2024
  • Membership application [PDF] 
  • Constitution [PDF]

Formed in 2007 to meet the needs of people with an interest in any or all of the breeds within the British group.

As a 'breed specialist' club, this club plans to actively promote British Shorthairs, Scottish Folds (shorthair & longhair), Scottish Shorthairs, Manx and Cymrics, Selkirk Rex (shorthair & longhair) and their care.

The objects and purposes of the Association are to:

  1. affiliate with the GCCFSA.
  2. promote the interests of all cats and in particular the Recognised Cat Breeds as defined.
  3. foster interest in the cat fancy.
  4. donate to charities or other deserving bodies or organisations as may from time to time be determined by the Association in general meeting.
  5. provide a forum for discussion and interchange of views among breeders and owners of the Recognised Cat Breeds as defined.
  6. encourage the responsible breeding of the Recognised Cat Breeds as defined.
  7. encourage a high standard of breeding and exhibiting of those breeds as defined in the By-laws.
  8. encourage competition among breeders and owners of cats through the promotion of cat shows and by the giving of awards for excellence achieved.
  9. do such things and acts conducive to the furtherance of the objects and interests of the Association.
  • President: Judith Adams
  • Secretary: Judith Russack
  • Phone: 0407 344 266
  • Email
  • Delegates to Council: J Adams, S Ashby
  • Proxy Delegate:
  • Public Officer: J Adams
  • AGM: March 2024
  • Membership application [PDF] 
  • Constitution [PDF]

The Cat Fanciers was established in 1957 and is an All Breeds Club. The aims and objects have remained the same since the club's inception, i.e.'THE SOCIETY' means - all owners of cats, pedigreed or otherwise, and all persons interested in cats.'THE AIMS' are - to safeguard and encourage fair dealing and kind treatment of all cats, and to hold or support shows or exhibitions of all cats.

Meetings are held bi-monthly.

The Annual Championship Show is in May - no show to be held in 2024 and 2025.

  • President: Stephen Nelson
  • Secretary: Melissa Neumann
  • Phone: 0411 207 012
  • Email
  • Delegates to Council: S Nelson, M Neumann, L Rhyne
  • Proxy Delegate: P Kimpton, S Hockley, W Sierp
  • Public Officer: S Nelson
  • AGM: February 2024 
  • Membership application [PDF]
  • Rules [PDF] 

The objects of the association are:

  1. To be an affiliated member of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of South Australia whose members are bound by the Rules, By Laws and Codes of Conduct as exhibitors and breeders of the same.
  2. To encourage responsible cat breeding and responsible cat ownership.
  3. To educate the public concerning cats, breeds, care, and responsible ownership and promote the benefits of cat ownership as companion animals.
  4. To educate the members and the general public about the Cat Fancy and promote an enjoyable family friendly environment for the Cat Fancy Community.
  5. To encourage a high standard of breeding in compliance with the Australian Cat Federation breed standards.
  6. To run an annual cat show in accordance with the Rules and Codes of Conduct of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of SA.
  7. The association shall be a non-profit making association.
  • President: Eva Sherriff
  • Secretary: Deb Hall
  • Phone: 0402 411 541
  • Email
  • Delegates to Council: E Sherriff, D Hall, G Head
  • Proxy Delegate: S Brown, D Park
  • Public Officer: S Nelson
  • AGM: March 2024
  • Membership application [PDF] 
  • Rules [PDF] 

The objects of the association are:

  1. To be an affiliated member of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of South Australia whose members are bound by the Rules, By Laws and Codes of Conduct as exhibitors and breeders of the same.
  2. To represent cat breeds that display a rexoid coat composition.
  3. To encourage responsible cat breeding and responsible cat ownership.
  4. To educate the public concerning cats, breeds, care, and responsible ownership and promote the benefits of cat ownership as companion animals.
  5. To educate the members and the general public about the Cat Fancy and promote an enjoyable family friendly environment for the Cat Fancy Community.
  6. To encourage a high standard of breeding in compliance with the Australian Cat Federation breed standards.
  7. To run a minimum of one annual cat show in accordance with the Rules and Codes of Conduct of GCCFSA.
  8. The association shall be a non-profit making association.
  • President: Debs Armishaw
  • Acting Secretary: Michele Ristuccia
  • Phone: 
  • Email
  • Delegates to Council: D Armishaw, M Ristuccia, J Polias
  • Proxy Delegates: K Moore, P Ristuccia, J Lawrence
  • Public Officer: D Armishaw
  • AGM: January 2024
  • Membership application [PDF]
  • Rules [PDF] 

The S.A. Cat Breeders Association Inc. is an all breeds cat club which was founded in 1961. The Association consists of Members, Family Membership, Life members, Patron, and Corporate Membership. Membership shall be subject to the rules of the Association. Although we are a “breeders” club all cat owners are welcome to join and have full voting rights.

Regular meetings are held either online or face to face depending on circumstances.

Club shows are generally held in early October each year.

The objects of the association are:

  1. To be an affiliate member of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of South Australia whose members are bound by the Rules and Codes of Conduct as exhibitors and breeders of the same.
  2. To encourage responsible cat breeding and responsible cat ownership.
  3. To educate the public about cats, breeds, care and responsible ownership and promote the benefits of cat ownership as companion animals.
  4. To educate the members and the general public about the cat fancy and promote an enjoyable family friendly environment for the Cat Fancy Community.
  5. To encourage a high standard of breeding in compliance with the Australian Cat Federation breed standard.
  6. To run an annual cat show in accordance with the Rules and Codes of Conduct of GCCFSA.
  • President: Tiffany Evans
  • Acting Secretary: Melissa Neumann
  • Phone: 08 8449 5880
  • Email
  • Delegates to Council: T Evans, D Myers, L Bloomfield
  • Proxy Delegates: K Schmidtke, D Dolman, C Plessnig
  • Public Officer: E Evans
  • AGM: December 2023
  • Membership application available by phone
  • Constitution [PDF]

Formed in 1976 as an 'all breeds' cat club catering to all cat owners and people interested in cats. We cater for lovers of all breeds of pedigreed cats and unpedigreed or domestic cats.

General Meetings are held every 6-8 weeks in January, March, May, July, September and November at the Secretary's home. Ring 8449 5880 for date and venue of next meeting. All visitors are welcome.

The objects of the association are:

  1. To promote cats and the improvement thereof in accordance with the rules of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of  South Australia.
  2. To educate and encourage members, breeders and exhibitors to abide by the standards of the breeds as approved for pedigreed cats by the GCCFSA
  3. To promote and support competition in all practical ways and to hold such fixtures as are permitted by the GCCFSA
  4. To conduct all cat shows under the rules as laid down by the GCCFSA
  5. To promote public interest in cats and their welfare.
  6. To promote good fellowship among those  interested in cats.
  7. To produce regularly a Club Newsletter for the benefit of members.
  8. To affiliate with the GCCFSA and to abide by the said Council’s Rules, Rulings and Constitution.
  9. To do all such other acts and things as are or may be incidental or conducive to the attainment or furtherance of any of the objects or the exercise of any powers of the Club.

Russian blue

Last updated 9 Jun 2024 - GCCFSA