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Golden Awards Qualifiers - the list of Qualifiers is now available.  It is listed under SHOWS.  The list is a work in progress & will be updated regularly.


23/02/16 – Dog & Cat Management Amendment Bill Update


The Government has released a quarterly update on the recommendations of the Citizens' Jury on Reducing Unwanted Dogs and Cats.

This quarterly update and future updates can be found on the YourSAy website here:

Mandatory desexing is being progressed through introduction of the Dog and Cat Management (Miscellaneous) Amendments Bill 2015 (the Bill) that was introduced to Parliament on 18 November 2015 by Hon Ian Hunter MLC, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation. The Bill can be found at the following link: 

The Bill is due to be debated in Parliament in the coming weeks. If the Bill passes through Parliament South Australia will introduce mandatory desexing and microchipping, breeder registration, additional powers for council authorised persons' to respond to dog and cat management challenges and increased expiations and penalties for offences including dog attacks.