GCCFSA provides a registration service to its members to maintain the validity of pedigrees and for the security of breeders and owners. Please see the excerpt of Show Rule 1 for further information. Owners and exhibitors of registered cats do not need to be financial members of GCCFSA, unless they with to partake of GCCFSA services or be eligible for End of the Year awards and points.
Junior exhibitors must be a registered owner or co-owner to be eligible for awards.
Where a certified pedigree is lost or misplaced, and cannot be submitted, a statutory declaration must be supplied and the relevant fee paid before a replacement can be issued.
ACF by-laws state that All kittens bred in Australia must be first be registered with a Cat registering body in the state where the kittens are born which is affiliated with an ACF (Inc.), a CCCA body or ANCATS.
Pedigree Transfer Updates
- Cats Australia pedigrees can be transferred to GCCFSA/ACF (from June 2024)
- ANCATs pedigrees can be transferred to GCCFSA/ACF (after verification)
- AICC pedigrees can now be transferred to GCCFSA/ACF (after verification)
- CVI pedigrees dated up to 4 Dec 2019 only, can be accepted by GCCFSA/ACF
- TRANSFER OF PEDIGREES TO NSWCFA - NSWCFA now require a five (5) generation pedigree for all breeds of cats being transfered to them. Effective from 1/01/2019 - the GCCFSA fee for a five (5) generation pedigree is $16.00.
- TRANSFER OF BRITISH SHORTHAIR TO QFA - QFA now require an eight (8) generation pedigree or be able to verify 8 generations on transfer for British Shorthair. Effective from 1/01/2019 - the GCCFSA fee for an eight (8) generation pedigree is $40.00.
- IMPORTING BRITISH SHORTHAIR TO ACF (AND AFFILIATES) - ACF affiliates now require a FIVE (5) generation pedigree on importation of British Shorthair. This can be done be ancestral pedigree and must show clear lines of British Shorthair to be accepted. Effective from June 2019 (ratified Sept 2019).
*Excerpt from Show Rules & Information
All pedigreed cats or kittens, used for breeding and/or exhibiting, born after 30th June 1962 and domiciled in South Australia must be registered with GCCFSA or FASA.
- All pedigreed exhibits five (5) months of age and over, on the day of the show and domiciled in SA for any three (3) months must be individually registered with GCCFSA or FASA.
- All pedigreed exhibits under five (5) months of age on the day of the show must be litter registered. Show Managers must check kitten registrations with appropriate Registrar. (Amended Jan 2019)
- All experimental and registered experimental desexed exhibits six (6) months of age and over, on the day of the show, must be litter registered.
- All non-pedigreed exhibits must be registered in the Group 5 or 6 Register.
Delegates to Governing Council must register their cats with GCCFSA.
All cattery prefixes must be registered. All South Australian prefixes granted after 30th June 1962 must be registered with GCCFSA or FASA.
Registration numbers of exhibits shall not be shown in catalogues.
PEDIGREED, EXPERIMENTAL and registered experimental desexed exhibits entered for competition must be entered in the name of their registered owners or registered lessees.
UNPEDIGREED (DOMESTIC) cats or kittens are desexed exhibits that have no known pedigreed ancestry. They are not entitled to pedigree or registration in the pedigreed registers. Unregistered pedigreed cats or kittens are not eligible for entry in the domestic section. (Amended Jan 2019)
PART PEDIGREED cats or kittens are desexed exhibits which have one pedigreed parent. Part pedigreed cats or kittens are not eligible for entry in the domestic section but may be shown in the COMPANION section.
COMPANION cats or kittens are desexed exhibits that do not meet the standard for showing in pedigreed classes (for breeds recognised by Governing Council). (Amended 2015)
DOG AND CAT MANAGEMENT (DACO) - Breeder Registration
All breeder registration fees must be paid directly to Dogs and Cats Online (DACO).
A lifetime DACO breeder number will be allocated to all Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of SA (GCCFSA) members who are registered breeders, and a breeder registration renewal will be sent directly to members during July each year.
Members of your organisation who are required to register as a new breeder will NOW do so directly in DACO and confirm their GCCFSA membership number. GCCFSA will be advised of all new members.
The $75 breeder registration fee applies from 1 July to 30 June each year. GCCFSA members only need to register as a breeder in DACO in the financial year that they intend to sell cats they have bred. A DACO breeder registration number applies to one person and is not transferrable.
DACO breeder number and breeder contact details must be included in all advertisements for sale i.e. newspaper, noticeboard, on-line and social media etc. For more information, visit
Last updated 15 Feb 2025 - GCCFSA