Meet the
Bengal Cat

The Selkirk Rex

The Siamese
and Oriental

The Russian
and Scottish Fold


Welcome to the GCCFSA

The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy South Australia

Established in 1962 and affiliated with the Australian Cat Federation, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of South Australia (GCCFSA) is the original controlling body and pedigreed cat registry in this state. The Council is supported by affiliated cat clubs, and we cater for all cat-lovers / owners / breeders of most cat breeds.

Our Secretary and Public Relations Officer voluntarily provide our free 'information and advice' service, because we all love cats and we want your pet to live a long and happy life.


Central Cat Club - to be held on Sunday 27th October - OPEN NOW - calendar [Jun 24]  

**Online entry - - create your profile with cats first then enter show**

**GCCFSA requires all exhibitors to abide by the Show Rules and the Code of Ethics for Exhibitors - any disregard may incur penalties. Any issues must be dealt with on the day.**

All show results available as CATALOGUES & SHOW RESULTS  [Mar 24]

Golden Awards 2024-25 HEAT QUALIFIERS - see GOLDEN AWARDS   [Jul 24]

Golden Awards 2024 FINALS - see GOLDEN AWARDS   [Jul 24]

Vaccination certificates MUST now be provided at vetting for all kittens with at least two (2) vaccinations. Please ensure that kittens can be identified on the vetting card and the original stickers and vet signatures are available.

Be ON TIME for vetting - late exhibits may be refused entry.


GROUP 1 - Longhair

GROUP 2, 5&6 - Siamese, Domestic & Companion

GROUP 3&4 - All other Shorthair

HONOURS - Titles, Medallions -


For more details on GCCFSA Officebearers see Executives


    Annual Memberships are due by 31 December for 2024 and fees can be paid direct to the GCCFSA account - renewal form 

    Renew before the 31st January so that you are eligible for show points from the first GCCFSA Show and count towards the GCCFSA Cat of The Year Awards 2024

    Individual $10 / Junior $5


    ACF at its Committee and General meeting held in June 2024 voted to recognise Cats Australia pedigrees.


    Are you looking to find the right cat for you? If it is a purebred breed from a registered breeder, browse through our list of breeders here to find one who suits you. All GCCFSA breeders must follow a code of breeding ethics.

    We recommend that buyers purchase only vaccinated and desexed kittens of appropriate age, and that pedigreed kittens be purchased only from breeders registered with an approved Cat Control. The registering bodies can confirm the registration status of breeders. If you plan to exhibit or breed, please check with the breeder and the registering bodies that your feline will be registered as a pedigree cat.

    Code of Ethics for Breeders 

    Notice: MALLEECATZ MAINE COONS (M Wright) is NOT registered with GCCFSA [Jan 2024]

    Notice:  SHIKI BIRMANS (VL Eves) is NOT registered with GCCFSA [Jul 2020]

    Notice: COTTONCANDY RAGDOLLS (L&J Lane) is NOT registered with GCCFSA [Mar 2020]

    Notice:  MIKIDZ RAGDOLLS (S Yandell) is NOT registered with GCCFSA, FASA or DACO [May 2019]

    NEW RULES effective from 2023

    Code of Ethics for Breeders:

    • Cat breeders must ensure they comply with current Federal and State Government legislation and Local Government regulation applying to the responsible keeping, breeding, management and selling of cats as well as ensuring that GCCFSA’s requirements are adhered to.
    • To register an entire cat or entire kitten, the applicant must have a GCCFSA registered prefix.
    • All applications for registration and transfer submitted to registrars must be complete with all colours and registration numbers for four (4) generations and be accompanied by the original or high-resolution scan (original to be sighted) of pedigree from an ACF recognised body. If queried by the registrar, the applicant must comply in a reasonable manner.
    • All litters of GCCFSA registered breeders must be registered with GCCFSA. All individual kittens MUST be registered with GCCFSA. Penalties will now apply.
    • Dam MUST be registered with GCCFSA when registering a litter.
    • Transfer of a cat or kitten must be completed within three (3) months of gift or sale to a new owner and will include a GCCFSA Certificate of Registration and Pedigree. Sale must be conducted in line with new South Australian Legislation. This is the responsibility of the breeder.
    • Do not permit a mating between registered and unregistered animals or between pedigreed breeds except as an allowable outcross as outlined in the Australian Cat Federation Book of Standards unless as part of a registered experimental breed program.

    Obligations of Members

    Each Member must:

    1. treat all Members, staff and contractors of the Association with respect and courtesy at all times;
    2. maintain and enhance the standards, quality and reputation of both the Association and its affiliated clubs, associations and societies;
    3. not act in a manner unbecoming of a Member or prejudicial to the Objects or the interests or reputation of the Association and its affiliated clubs, associations and societies; and
    4. in the case of an Affiliated Club:
    • take reasonable steps to prevent any of its members or any Participant associated with it from acting in a way that is likely to bring the Association into disrepute or which might adversely affect or derogate from the standards, quality and reputation of the Association, its Members and other Participants and its maintenance and development; and
    • take reasonable steps to discipline appropriately any of its members or any Participant associated with it if the member or Participant acts in such a way.

    Hot Weather Policy

    • If a show venue is not air-conditioned and the BOM weather forecast (at 6.00pm Thursday) for show day is 32 degrees or over, the show will be cancelled.
    • If the venue is air-conditioned then the temperature on show day is irrelevant and the choice to attend resides with the exhibitor.
    • Hot weather cancellation refund: If a show is cancelled due to heat, the host club will decide if a refund will be made to exhibitors.

      DOG AND CAT MANAGEMENT (DACO) - Breeder Registration
      All breeder registration fees must be paid directly to Dogs and Cats Online (DACO).

      A lifetime DACO breeder number will be allocated to all Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of SA (GCCFSA) members who are registered breeders, and a breeder registration renewal will be sent directly to members during July each year.

      Members of your organisation who are required to register as a new breeder will NOW do so directly in DACO and confirm their GCCFSA membership number. GCCFSA will be advised of all new members.

      The $75 breeder registration fee applies from 1 July to 30 June each year. GCCFSA members only need to register as a breeder in DACO in the financial year that they intend to sell cats they have bred. A DACO breeder registration number applies to one person and is not transferrable.

      DACO breeder number and breeder contact details must be included in all advertisements for sale i.e. newspaper, noticeboard, on-line and social media etc. For more information, visit

      GCCFSA Cattery Accreditation

      GCCFSA has a program of accreditation (period of 5 years) for catteries (breeding and boarding) that are registered with GCCFSA. The program is intended to show that GCCFSA is acting in a responsible way to promote and protect our catteries and the public.

      More details in Members section - Documents 

      GCCFSA Major Show Sponsors

      Last updated 15 Apr 2024 - GCCFSA

      A responsibly owned cat will be a source of pleasure and comfort for many years.

      Latest News

      Can we help you?

      Do you know what to look for when choosing a kitten? What is the best way to introduce a new kitten to your home? Did the breeder of your kitten advise you about feeding, worming, grooming, vaccinations, flea control, desexing, identification and other matters?

      Are you a RESPONSIBLE PET OWNER, concerned about giving your pet the best possible care without damaging the environment or upsetting neighbours? Or do you need more information to help you to be a good owner?

      Do you want to know where to buy a pedigreed kitten from a registered breeder? ..... and why buy from a REGISTERED breeder?

      Which breed of cat has the temperament that would best suit your household?

      Do you want to find out when and where the next cat show will be held? Are you interested in showing your cat, whether pedigreed or "Domestic"? Would you like to know more about exhibiting in cat shows?

      Are you thinking of becoming a breeder, and in need of advice or information? We can provide answers, advice or information on all of these topics, and more.


      Last updated 1 Jul 2023 - GCCFSA